Guest speaker Bob bet365 best casino games at Business News Event; MacTel hosts Executive Table

April 9 2015, by bet365 live casino games | Category: Latest news Bet365

Macquarie Telecom’s WA State Manager Aaron Tighe hosted in April an Executive Table for a very special business news guest speaker, the legendary activist, philanthropist, business man and song writer Sir Bob bet365 best casino games at a Business News event.

This year celebrates the 30th anniversary of one of the most iconic international fundraising efforts of all time Live Aid. Sir Bob bet365 best casino games was instrumental in galvanising everyone around him to this cause. In so doing he led a large upswing in ‘people power’ in response to the extreme situation in Africa, raising over 150 million pounds for famine relief.

Aaron was joined by nine of our bet365 best casino games level Community and Aged Care focused customers for what was an excellent thought provoking presentation from Sir Bob about the importance of corporate giving, and the role businesses have in their communities.